When you hire me

it’s real.

Be as you are. I want to see the honest you, your life as it really is. Things may be a little messy and that’s what I want. I want to see the richness of your being in action. I want to feel your passion.

it’s intimate.

I want the rawness, the emotion, and the depth. Be present, live in the moment. I’m there so you can focus on being you while I compose it. We get so busy and it’s hard to find time to share what we’re working so hard on.

it’s beautiful.

I’m a little light-obsessed. I want soft shadows that flatter and caress the skin and face. Shallow depth of field creates the buttery soft blur that keeps the focus on the main subject. In my edits, I lean towards a warmer palette and vibrant colors.


My Vibe


Self-expression is a beautiful thing. We each have a voice and an inner truth that deserves to be communicated with the world. Art is my creative outlet. It is part of my soul. My truth? Love and be free. The goal is to love and accept yourself, trust your intuition, and have confidence that you can achieve your dreams. Photography has given me a voice to portray my perspective of the beauty I see around me. Love comes in endless forms and it doesn’t need to conform to anyone’s expectations. I can’t wait to see love woven, in all of its glory, into your life.


My curiosity is insatiable. I love asking questions and discovering new insights. I believe in constantly pushing yourself to grow and learn. When you work with me, these gems of information are going to help me create accurate reflections of who you are, how you experience life, and how you express love.


I pay attention to everything. The moments and the story. I have so much fun connecting the details together to create the whole. My ability to see is something I am grateful for and helps me appreciate to process of life. The present is fleeting and becomes a stepping stone to new adventures. I love how photographs create a window into the past and give us an opportunity to reflect on our growth and enjoy the connections we’ve made.

Check out the Collections!